Tax Exemption
Miracle Match Foundation is a Michigan nonprofit corporation, and is organized for charitable purposes. On September 17, 1998, Miracle Match Foundation received IRS recognition that it is an Internal Revenue Code ("Code") Section 501(c)(3) public charity. It operated for many years as a 501(c)(3) charity. However, as a result of Bill Przybyzs' continued illness, Miracle Match Foundation distributed its assets for charitable purposes and ceased its operations and was inactive for several years.
In 2006, Congress adopted new tax rules that required the IRS to automatically revoke the tax exemption of any 501(c)(3) charity that does not provide certain annual filings to the IRS for three consecutive years. The new rules also required each of these organizations to reapply to the IRS for recognition of if its tax exempt status if it wished to continue operating as a 501(c)(3) charity.
Under these new tax rules, on May 15, 2010, the IRS automatically revoked its recognition of Miracle Match Foundation's tax-exempt charitable status, along with the tax exemptions of thousands of other charitable organizations.
Miracle Match Foundation resumed its charitable activities in 2012. As required by the IRS rules, Miracle Match Foundation submitted a new application to the IRS asking it to reinstate Miracle Match Foundation's status as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Additionally, Miracle Match Foundation asked that the approval be made retroactive to May 15, 2010.
The IRS approved the Miracle Match Foundation's application and The Miracle Match Foundation is now recognized once again as 501(c)3 public charity.